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Effects of Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting can have many impacts on a residence or public facility. When the proper effects are achieved, outdoor landscape lighting can support design, enhance aesthetic value, and provide visibility and safety. However, outdoor lighting can also detract from property value, create light pollution and disturb patrons and residents if the lighting is not properly placed. With knowledge of lighting placement and various lighting effects, outdoor lighting can have a positive effect on the property.
  1. Design and Aesthetic Value

    • Christmas lights are a good example of grazing lights as they highlight edges.

      Whether at an art museum, outdoor seating area in a restaurant, or at a private residence, outdoor lighting is used to provide design and aesthetic value, giving the space a more artistic feel. There are many techniques for outdoor landscape lighting that provide various effects. Techniques include path lighting, which provides accent and decoration while lighting foot paths and walkways, and grazing, which gives depth and texture when placed strategically across surfaces. Silhouetting provides backlighting and illuminates the shape of an object on a backdrop, while up-lighting illuminates a structure or object from underneath. Moonlighting is the most natural effect you can use to provide an artistic effect as it mimics the soft light of the moon.


    • Outdoor lighting can provide the proper safety when they are placed strategically.

      Outdoor lighting provides enhanced safety when darkness falls. Illuminating pathways, outdoor lighting can help you find your footing in the dark so you don't fall. Outdoor lighting also provides protection by illuminating areas, so others cannot conceal themselves in the darkness. Homes or businesses that over-use flood lights make a common error. Overuse of floodlights can cause a glare and protect those who wish to conceal themselves. Flood lights with motion detectors can provide energy efficient security when strategically placed.

    Detractions and Negative Effects

    • Outdoor lighting can be a detractor with negative effects if not used correctly. Without the proper design, outdoor lighting can make a property look militant or institutional, detracting from the aesthetic value. Intense flood lights take away from texture and color. Other negative lighting effects include loss of property value, due to unwanted glares when lights are not situated correctly. Bad lighting can also affect the value of surrounding properties. Bulbs that can be seen from a distance are considered bad lighting, while good lighting simply illuminates the ground around the lit area. Bad lighting affects the view of the night sky, wastes energy and disrupts human circadian rhythms.

    Light Pollution

    • When outdoor lighting is too bright, or causes unwanted glares, it is considered light pollution. These lights often disturb neighbors and patrons, and can result in complaints. Light beams that are harsh or shine in the eyes causing a glare, can be particularly distracting to drivers and bikers. Light pollution and poor outdoor lighting effects can cause distress, disturb sleep, reduce privacy, and detract from the beauty of the property, leading to complaints from others. "Light pollution is growing at a rate of 4 percent ..." faster than population growth, according to the International Dark-Sky Association.