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Where Is the Best Place to Plant Trees to Get the Most Shade in the Summer?

The cooling shade cast from a tree in the landscape is most welcoming during the hot summer months. Both deciduous and evergreen trees provide shade, but evergreen trees also block the warming winter sunshine. Planting a small grove or row of trees provides more shade.
  1. Ideal Placement

    • In the Northern Hemisphere, plant trees on the southern side of buildings to cast cooling shade in summer. The hottest part of the day is from noon until 6 p.m. when sun intensity and air temperatures are highest. Therefore, positioning a tree to the south or southwest of a building, patio or other area best diminishes heat.


    • The sun crosses the sky at a high angle in summertime. The shade cast from the tree doesn't travel as far as the shade cast in any other season. For more shade, a taller growing tree with wide canopy provides more shade than a smaller, low-branching type.


    • Not all trees make good shade trees. Shallow-rooted or aggressively rooted trees like red maple or tropical figs aren't good to plant near foundations, driveways or hardscape patios. Moreover, some trees drop messy flower or seed litter in summer. Large-leaf evergreen trees may cast dense shade but also prevent cooling summer breezes to penetrate a property.


    • To prevent damage to building or reduce safety hazards, some municipalities may have laws regulating which trees you may grow for shade as well as how close to infrastructures they may be planted. Investigate first before purchasing and planting the tree.