Home Garden

Will a Leyland Cypress Grow in Maine?

A fast-growing evergreen often used to create tall privacy hedges, the Leyland cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii) grows well only in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 6 through 9. Maine is located in USDA zones 3 through 5.
  1. Geography

    • Only coastal Maine provides a winter climate regime that potentially could allow a Leyland cypress to overwinter. Along the ocean the temperatures drop to as low as minus-15 degrees Fahrenheit during the winter, and is still cold enough to cause Leyland cypress plants to suffer extreme die-back.


    • Maine's winter cold exceeds the natural ability of Leyland cypress to overwinter. Intense cold and drying winds dehydrate the evergreen scaly needles and slowly kills the entire plant, including the roots.


    • If grown in a movable container, a Leyland cypress could be grown in a Maine garden but with considerable maintenance and effort. It grows quickly, needs frequent watering, repotting and must be seasonally moved to a cool, sun-lit building where the temperatures remain between 0 and 40 degrees in winter.