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New Drip System Ideas

You may find it difficult to get water from the faucet to the exact location needed in a garden or landscape. Drip irrigation has provided a simple and easy solution to this problem. Constructed of plastic tubing with specific outlets to specific locations, drip irrigation can deliver the exact amount of water to the exact location needed. You'll just need to implement a little planning.
  1. Plan Ahead for Specific Watering Needs

    • When planning your drip irrigation system, you must either group plants with the same water needs together and put them on the same timer, or use various adjustable sprinkler heads so low water consumers have low-level drips and high water consuming plants have high-volume sprinkler heads at their individual locations. Plan your larger plastic tubing layout so you can easily branch individual watering tubes out to each plant in the area.

    Keep Your System Intact

    • You may need to use a pressure-reducing device on your sprinkler system to prevent joint blowouts in the smaller tubes. The pressure reducers are available in the same shopping area as sprinkler components and can also reduce frustration in sprinkler system setup. Using a pressure reducer and occasionally checking to ensure all connections are secure can reduce water waste as well as prevent loss of plantings due to water not making it to the plant site.

    Remember Wildlife

    • As you construct your watering system, remember the needs of wildlife that visit your yard. Butterflies and bees can benefit from a shallow water container filled with gravel. Supply a low-volume drip sprinkler to keep the gravel moist and provide drinking water for these beneficial insects. In addition, you can adjust a medium-drip sprinkler to fill your birdbath each time you water the plants nearby. The sprinkler will provide drinking water and a bathing area for birds.

    Don't Forget Convenient Pet Watering

    • Providing a large bucket or urn for outdoor pet watering can help you reduce your own water-hauling activities and ensure continuous hydration for outdoor pets. Put a sprinkler on this outlet that is large enough to refill the water container each time you water nearby areas. Don't forget that the water container must incorporate a food-grade material, and you must clean it periodically to prevent algae and bacteria growth.