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Beautification for Landscaping Grants

You may be able to obtain funds for a beautification project in your community, through grants made available for civic improvements. Choose a place to beautify, and make it happen with a little help from far-sighted community leaders..
  1. Beautification

    • Many municipalities set funds aside for beautification. Exchanging goods for volunteer labor is a rewarding way to tackle public projects without breaking the public purse. Improvements on public lands projects are more affordable when savings can be made in labor costs. The grants are typically in the range of $500 to $2,500.

    Community Development

    • Involving people in public projects helps foster attachment to their community. Most community grants require donations-in-kind, such as labor, and sometimes matching funds. Evidence of community support, including nonprofit societies and local businesses, is often a requirement. Gathering support is a critical part of the project plan.

    Eligible Projects

    • Support of culture, heritage, education and stewardship of the environment are examples of evaluation criteria for funding beautification projects. Many landscaping grants focus on improvements to prominent public places, such as parks, boulevards and neighborhood signs. Graffiti removal is often covered. A tangible result is usually encouraged, as opposed to funding administrative costs.