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Serenity Landscaping

Gardens and landscaping are designed to evoke many moods. When planning the layout of your landscaping, determine what effect you wish to create. If peace and serenity are your goal, the landscaping takes a turn toward the subtle and gentle rather than the powerful and bold. Select your plants, walkways, garden features and a water feature to create the peaceful environment you desire.
  1. Aroma Garden

    • Surrounding yourself in an aroma garden is the ultimate aroma therapy . Planting flowers that give off soft and subtle fragrances immediately creates serenity and peace of mind. Winter flowers and summer buds make an aroma garden useful year-round. Fragrant winter flowers include daphnes; hyacinths bloom in late winter to give off a soft fragrance; and sarcococcas have a sweet-smelling bloom that lasts at least a month.

    Butterfly Garden

    • The cycle of life is experienced when you plant a butterfly garden. Two types of plants are needed: the butterfly nectar plant that feeds the adult butterfly and the butterfly host plant on which the caterpillars feed until they form a cocoon. Once you know what types of butterflies are dominant in your geographical area, choose your plants. Plant the nectar and host plants together, mixing them to create one universe for the butterflies. Place a comfortable bench nearby, and watch life unfold in your serenity butterfly garden.

    Hummingbird Garden

    • One of the most fascinating birds to watch is the hummingbird. Their lightning speed, fluttering wings and definitive coloring make them an appealing serenity garden species. Tubular flowers that hold a lot of nectar, brightly colored flowers, and placing a hanging feeder with sugar water nearby assures hummingbird flights in and out all day.

    Water Features

    • The sound of running water is tranquilizing. A water feature in a garden encapsulates a zen environment in which bad energy is chased away and peace reigns. Water is fundamental to life, and highlighting it in a garden completes the plant cycle. Adding fish to a garden pond is another variation of the water feature, and surrounding it with plants attracts positive energy.

    Bamboo Garden

    • Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth. A stand of bamboo newly planted takes a minimum amount of time to grow. They need space as they expand rapidly. Once mature, standing adjacent to the bamboo is like listening to a concert -- they seem to sing. The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens in South Florida has a large bamboo stand set among gardens that were planted to encourage relaxation amidst earth, sky and water.