Home Garden

Lattice Tips

You typically see lattice used in the outdoor landscape as a privacy screen, as a lower home deck trim, or as a flowering vine or rose bush trellis. But with some forethought and analysis, you can make use of this inexpensive outdoor design material to meet other landscaping needs. And, lattice is available in all of the main colors home decorators need: black, blue, white, red, yellow, green and beige, with some manufacturers offering additional color options.
  1. Analyze Location

    • When choosing lattice for a trellis, wall, gate or fence panel, analyze where it will be best used in the landscape. Match the lattice material -- wood, vinyl, brick -- to the needs of the project and the lattice decor design and color to items that will be near it in the landscape. For example, place a vinyl lattice trellis near a water garden since it won't rot like a wooden lattice might, and if your water garden accessories are deep green in color, don't paint the lattice black or blue.

    Maximize Lattice Use

    • A simple panel of lattice can serve many functions in the outdoor landscape. Maximize its use by incorporating it into every venue possible, eliminating more costly outdoor furniture structures. You can have a lattice cover for outdoor garbage bin containers, beautifying a typically ugly spot cheaper than building a fence made of hardwood to surround it. Trim your outdoor ground-level deck with lattice panels designed with dogs and delight your children while saving money from the labor and material cost of installing expensive deck railing.

    Reduce Waste

    • Lattice doesn't have to be a tall structure for all your outdoor settings. Reduce the size of the lattice used in some areas in which half the size would actually be better. You will save money and the lattice won't look too overpowering or out of place. Boxing in your prized flower, which borders an active area of the lawn where your children play, is a good example. Screen the flower with a low lattice border to remind children and guests of its presence, especially if it resides close to a walkway. The lattice will look like a pretty pot for your flower as it grows taller.


    • Not all lattice materials respond the same way to temperature extremes, with some, like plastic lattice, expanding and contracting as the temperature changes, according to Dimensions Plastic Lattice. In addition, look for lattice products that do not rot, decay or splinter for your landscape use in lieu of real wood products.