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Florida Tree Planting Grants

Local government and nonprofit groups in Florida are eligible for grants to plant trees on public lands. The grant is funded by the federal government's Urban and Community Forestry Matching Grant Program and administered by the Florida Division of Forestry.
  1. Objective

    • Florida's Urban and Community Forestry program supports local urban forestry with technical, financial and educational resources. One component of the program is encouraging demonstration or site-specific projects, including tree planting on public land, and tree protection and tree maintenance projects.

    Eligibility and Time Frame

    • Local governments, Native-American Tribal Governments, volunteer groups, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions are eligible for urban forestry grants for their urban and community forestry programs. Grants are allocated on a 50-50 cost-sharing basis, with half from the federal government and half from the applicant. Tree planting projects need to be completed by August 1, 2011, and a reimbursement request filed by September 1. An application can be made for a six-month extension.

    Funding Limits

    • The Florida Division of Forestry receives $300,000 a year from the United States Forest Service for its Urban and Community Forestry program to distribute to communities for urban forestry programs. Tree planting grants are limited to 20 percent, or $60,000, of the annual federal grant. Successful tree planting projects receive a maximum of $10,000.