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Feng Shui for Front Yard Landscaping

Feng shui --- the Chinese practice of attempting to follow certain laws of energy when designing the layout of a given space --- is part art and part science. Most people think of feng shui in terms of how it applies to interior decorating. However, some of the same principles also apply when you are landscaping a garden or front yard.
  1. North

    • Water is a critical part of feng shui landscaping. It is considered one of the forces that draws in good energy. Flowing water, such as a fountain, is a way to accomplish this, while a pond provides a tranquil place for gathering energy and reflecting the sky, which helps connect the energy of the sky to your yard. A balance between energy from the sky and energy from the earth is essential in all feng shui. Also in feng shui, the primary elements have their appropriate location. Water should be placed in the northern portion of the yard.


    • The east portion of a space designed with feng shui principles is related to health, healing and other aspects related to overall well-being. Wood is the principal element used to represent these types of energies. Fruit trees in particular would work well in the east portion of a feng shui-designed yard, as would herbs or plants with healing purposes. White flowers should not be planted here, however, and metal is best restricted to other areas of the yard.


    • Reputation and fame are linked to the southern quadrant of the yard, as is the element of fire. A representation of fire helps bring the required energy to realize those qualities in yourself. As with each area of the front yard, there are many ways to incorporate fire into your landscape design. You could place a fire pit there if suitable, for example. If your patio or porch is on the south side of the yard, a barbecue can symbolize fire.


    • The white flowers that you avoided planting in the east have a home in the west portion of your yard. Creativity and joy make their home in the west, and metal is the representative element. You don't need actual metal to bring this energy to the yard, as objects in the metallic colors help to draw it as well. Of course, wind chimes made from metal are a subtle and yet elegant way to draw creative energy to your front yard in the west.