Home Garden

Why Do Americans Live Without Shrubs and Fences?

Some American homeowners live without shrubs and fences adorning their yards for many reasons. Some may not have the resources for professional consultation, planning and installation, leaving them to make decisions with which they are not comfortable. Other homeowners may simply not care to dress up their yards with extensive landscaping, while busy families may lack the time such landscaping requires.
  1. Maintenance and Expense

    • Maintaining shrubs and fences is expensive and time-consuming for homeowners. Shrubs need feeding, watering and trimming, and their debris regularly removed. Fences require maintenance, such as painting or sealing, hardware adjustments and resetting loose posts. These chores require different tools. Fences and shrubs complicate regular lawn maintenance, as homeowners must mow and weed around these obstacles. Homeowners who are physically unable to perform their own landscaping chores may have to pay someone to perform the upkeep on their property.


    • Shrubs and fences create a hazard for drivers and passersby if properly installed and maintained. Shrub and fence heights may block drivers' views of the road and cyclists' views around corners. Shrubs drop leaves and flower petals that are slippery when wet. Shrubs may have thorns or poisonous berries endangering pets and small children. Fences sharp edges or pointy decorative features that snag clothing.

    Lack of Knowledge

    • Homeowners may not know the proper techniques to install and maintain the health of shrubbery. They may not understand soil pH or different types of fertilizers and be reluctant to handle pest- and disease-management chemicals. Shrubs started from cuttings may take years of care before reaching a reasonable height. Mature shrubs are expensive, and homeowners may feel uncomfortable making a large investment in plants they lack the expertise or confidence to care for properly.

    Personal Preference

    • Homeowners may prefer the ease of care and open appearance of an uninterrupted stretch of lawn. Those living near natural sites may not want the view of their surroundings blocked by shrubbery or fencing. For some, an open lawn appeals as a safety feature, allowing anyone approaching the house to be seen and affording no hiding places for burglars. Busy families may prefer to come and go without having to pass through a narrow gate and without the added chore of securing a gate. Those with children may want to be able to keep their youngsters in view and allowing them to play without obstruction.