Home Garden

Can Landscape Designers Charge for Plans?

Working with a landscape designer offers myriad benefits for homeowners. Their knowledge of plants, installation, maintenance and access to materials can save considerable time. Because there are so many options for landscape spaces, it is often best to leave design ideas in the hands of a professional. If you ask a landscaper for his opinion in the form of a plan, be prepared to pay for it.
  1. When They Charge

    • It is common practice for landscapers to charge a fee up-front for landscape designs. If the potential client decides not to implement a landscaper's plan, then the professional has received compensation for her time and ideas.

    Cost of Plan

    • The cost of a landscape plan varies depending upon several variables. The experience of the designer, the scope of the project and the credentials of the designer and his area of expertise all factor into the price of the plan. The cost of the plan may also vary by the region where you live.

    Advantages of Professional Plan

    • A professional plan can eliminate the frustration of misplacing flowerbeds, furniture and other major elements of a landscape. A good landscape plan will also properly layout trees, shrubs, paths and patio space. Landscape designers have the experience that many homeowners lack in understanding how all of these elements work together.


    • To get the most from a landscape plan, communicate clearly and thoroughly with the designer. Provide pictures to relay your ideas and desires. If the designer confirms a fee for the drawing, then disclose the amount available for implementing the plan, and execute in phases, if necessary. To find a credible and reliable landscape designer, ask for referrals from a professional landscape association, or gather names of individuals who have created landscapes that you admire in your area.