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How to Reduce the Angle of a Loading Ramp

The use of ramps helps transfer loads or wheeled apparatus from a lower spot to a higher spot, such as moving from the ground up to a raised building. The higher up the ramp goes, the larger the angle becomes -- as long as the ramp is the exact same length. However, when the angle increases, the work required to transport a wheeled load up the ramp also increases. To reduce the amount of work required, alter the ramp to decrease the angle and thus decrease the effort needed.


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      Lengthen the ramp to reduce its angle. The angle of a ramp is calculated based on the mathematical rules of triangles. The longer the base of that triangle -- the ground -- the shallower the angle becomes. You are still moving the same amount of distance up, but you are doing so over a longer forward distance. For instance, going up 10 feet over a distance of 40 feet gives you a grade of 25 percent. If you lengthen that distance to 50 feet, the grade becomes 20 percent.

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      Use more than one ramp to reach your final destination. For instance, if you must lift an object 10 feet, place one ramp from the ground up to the 5-foot mark. Then use a second ramp to complete the final 5 feet. This process requires a wall or other object that allows you to rest two ramps at the halfway mark or some other distance partway up.

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      Place a switchback ramp, if you are restricted on how much space you can use to set your ramp. A switchback allows you to use a smaller amount of space to create a lesser angle for the ramp. You will cover the additional distance through a sideways motion rather than moving straight toward your goal height.

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      Change the location of the vehicle if you are using a loading ramp with a delivery vehicle. If you can position the vehicle at a point lower than the ground from which or to which you are loading, the angle of the ramp is reduced.