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How to Landscape Around APS Transformer Boxes

Arizona Public Services (APS) provides utility services for a wide area of central Arizona, including the Phoenix metropolitan area. An APS transformer box allows high voltage power supplies to be broken off into safer, appropriate voltage feed lines for commercial or residential buildings. The box shields equipment from the elements and prevents animals and people from high voltage wiring. Landscape around APS transformers to mask their visual impact, but do not block maintenance access to the units.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Shovel
  • Organic mulch, decorative stone or gravel
  • Evergreen shrubs
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      Contact Arizona Blue Stake by dialing 811 on a phone. Request for marking of utility lines on your property, particularly in the 20 feet around all sides of the APS transformer box. It can take up to 48 hours for all underground utilities to be marked off on your property. Do not dig until all utilities have been marked. Alternatively, visit the ABS website to submit a request electronically.

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      Measure an area 2 feet wide around all sides of the transformer box and temporarily mark off this area with foot scrape marks, shovel hole or rocks. This area must be always kept clear of any debris, structures or plants.

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      Dig up any turf grass or other vegetation with a shovel within the 2-foot band around all sides of the transformer. A shallow cut by the blade, 1 to 4 inches deep, should suffice to lift weeds and grass roots. Use care around any painted areas or flags left by Arizona Blue Stake that reveal underground utility lines you need to avoid. If large hedge shrubs or trees already exist within this band, trim them back as far as possible for clearance and to maintain the plants' health.

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      Measure 10 feet out from the transformer's side with the access doors and make a mark with a foot scrape mark, the shovel or lay a rock to mark the 10-foot distance. From the access doors, measure 5 feet in both directions to the left and right of the center door seam or lock latch. There needs to be a 100 square-foot open area or pad to allow access to the APS transformer's doored side panel.

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      Measure from the left front corner of the transformer, leading to the street or alley, an area or pad 6 feet by 6 feet square. This area must remain clear of debris and shrubbery to allow access by maintenance crews to the 100 square-foot area in front of the transformer.

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      Place ground cover landscaping material on all areas measured around the APS transformer -- the 2-foot band, the 100 square-foot area and the 6 foot-wide street access pad. The low material may be gravel, decorative rock or organic mulch. Lay landscape fabric down, if desired, to reduce chances of weeds sprouting up from the covering. Alternatively, this area may remain turf grass, but will require ongoing mowing and other maintenance.

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      Plant evergreen shrubs on the perimeter of the mulch, rock or lawn area covering the appropriate access areas. Choose plants that mature no more than 4 feet taller than the height of the transformer, otherwise plants may require pruning later.