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How to Hide Cinder Blocks in the Backyard

Cinder block walls are practical and economical but their appearance can be aesthetically displeasing. Improve their appearance by covering barren walls with vertical gardens and other vegetation. Screens and fences can work to camouflage blank walls and mortar. Loose piles of cinder block can be covered over with earth to create raised or rock gardens while cinder block supports, for decks or planters, can be covered over by flowers and tall grasses.
  1. Considerations

    • Before covering a cinder block walk with vegetation, determine how much sunlight the area receives, how much space is available for root growth and whether or not access is needed for wall maintenance. Once these factors have been determined, choose plants that are capable of withstanding shade and have a growth habit suitable for the area. If wall access is needed, then you may have to choose other alternatives, such as gated fences or lattice-work.


    • Trellises support vines, shrubs and pruned trees. The advantage of using a trellis to cover a cinder block wall is the trellis' ability to support vegetation without causing damage to the wall. Vines that grow freely against cinder block can cause damage to mortar and stone. The strength of root systems and runners, when combined with the weight of wet vegetation can, over time, shorten the wall's lifespan. Plants that grow against a wall can face injury by rots, mold and insects because of lack of air circulation. Create a trellis by digging fence posts at a minimum of 1 foot from a wall. Install posts and secure lattice panels between posts. Allow vines to grow against the trellis. Fast growing vines like sweet pea will rapidly cover the trellis in the first growing season but these annual vines will die back with winter. Evergreen vines like holly or ivy will conceal the wall year-round.

    Shrubs and Grasses

    • Fast growing shrubs like forsythia are capable of providing coverage within three growing seasons, depending on the size of the wall. Tall bamboos are also rapid growers and provide coverage. Ornamental grasses may be smaller in stature but their plumes and ability to provide coverage and visual interest throughout the winter months makes them a suitable, low maintenance choice for cinder block coverage.


    • For areas where vegetation isn't an option, construct a lattice work fence in a similar fashion as you would a trellis. Allow for space between the wall and the trellis. Space allows for depth and shadows, factors that provide better coverage than if lattice work is placed flush against a cinder block wall. Instead of covering the trellis with vines choose fabrics, bamboo slats or decorative lights.