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How to Install Weed Control Fabric

Weed control fabric is most commonly used as a base layer for pathways and beneath paving slabs and graveled areas such as driveways. Weed control fabric alone does not eliminate weeds entirely as the fabric is porous to allow water to pass through. Weeds will eventually break through the fabric since the fabric still allows a small amount of light through. To more effectively control weeds it is advisable to add a dense top layer of pathway material of your choice, such as gravel, bark chips or shells.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade
  • Weed control fabric
  • Paving material of your choice
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  1. Laying Weed Control Fabric

    • 1

      Using the spade, dig over the area where the weed control fabric is to be installed, removing as many weed roots as possible.

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      Using the spade. remove the top 3 to 4 inches of soil from the area on which the weed control fabric is to be laid.

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      Place the reel of weed control fabric at one corner of the area to be covered and unroll carefully, ensuring the fabric sits flush against the edge of the prepared area. Tread heavily across the laid fabric to help settle it in place.

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      If covering an area which requires the use of multiple reels of weed control fabric, when laying the remaining reels, ensure you overlap the reels by at least 1 inch.

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      Cover the laid fabric with a pathway material of your choice to the required depth. Ensure the material is densely packed to limit the chance of weeds shooting through the fabric.