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How to Design a Sidewalk With Paving Stones

One of the first things people see when they look at your home is the sidewalk and walkway to the front door. If you have a sidewalk full of cracks and uneven blocks, not only is it unattractive, but it can be dangerous. Designing a sidewalk using paving stones will add to your home's value and also ensure the safety of your visitors. The design process can be simple once you know what you want and know how to choose the correct materials.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Level
  • Spray paint or chalk
  • Paving stones
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    • 1

      Choose the location for your sidewalk. If you are replacing an existing sidewalk, this is easy. If you are adding a sidewalk to a garden or other location where one does not currently exist, decide where you want the sidewalk.

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      Check the elevation using a level. If the chosen location for the sidewalk is not flat, you might want to consider a different area, if possible. Changing the area's elevation for sidewalk installation can be a time-consuming and frustrating process.

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      Measure the area. Measure both the length and width of the location where you intend to place the sidewalk. If possible, your sidewalk should be at least 36 inches wide, which is the width recommended by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and will allow a wheelchair to pass. A wider sidewalk will allow someone to walk next to the wheelchair or for two people to walk side by side. The length will depend on your location.

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      Choose a shape for your design. Again, this will be somewhat dictated by your space. Several different designs are possible, including straight, curved or circular. To make the sidewalk look more interesting, consider making the shape a bit wider at the beginning and end of the walk.

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      Mark your path. Using spray paint or chalk, draw the shape of your path. Double-check your measurements before you mark the area.

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      Choose the paving stone. Consider several different types of paving stones, including bricks, concrete, travertine, slate and flagstones. Choose the stones that will work best with your home, taking into account color and design. Make sure the stones will fit into the allotted area. If you will have to do a lot of cutting, you might to consider a different stone.

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      Choose an installation method. The two primary methods to install paving stones are a dry method and a wet method. The dry method involves laying the stones in the prepared area and leaving them. This will allow you to easily make changes. In the wet method, you will use mortar after the stones are laid, which makes the sidewalk permanent.