Home Garden

Landscape Ideas for Front Walkways

A front yard and walkway influences someone's first impression of your home. The walkway from the street to the front door should provide an inviting, safe and welcoming path to your front door. Creating this ideal scene is an important part of the design of your front yard landscape and easily can be changed if updates are needed.
  1. Widening the Walkway

    • Solar-powered lights placed low to the ground help light the walkway at night.

      First impressions are everything, which holds especially true for your home. Your front walkway should be wide enough that two people can walk side by side. Since most walks are constructed as a 3-foot path, which is ADA acceptable, it is not conducive to side-by-side walking. Add width to your walkway by placing landscaping material at least 6 inches to either side of your current walk. Use colored gravel, pebbles, paving brick or landscaping bark once any sod is removed from the site. Adding 1 foot to each side also gives you space to place some interesting flower-filled containers that can be removed or replanted according to the season. Add solar-powered garden lights to give an additional welcoming atmosphere to the walkway.

    Flowers Add Color

    • A border of flowers along a front walkway gives color and interest to the path.

      Add color and interest along your walkway by planting flowers to either side of the path, which can be accomplished by either planting one continuous row of ground cover flowering plants, such as alyssum, or planting a miniature garden along each side that includes ground cover as well as plants that grow to a medium and tall height. Always place the ground cover plants close to the path itself, ensuring that no plant extends over the pavement. Mix a selection of annuals and perennials for easier upkeep. Place an edging border next to the pavement to prevent any roots from growing under your walk and to give you a guide for pruning.

    Add Architecture

    • Shrubs can add architectural interest to any path.

      Add architectural structure to your front walkway by planting shrubs along each side of the path. They can be planted to create a low-growing hedge or singly with large spaces in between depending upon your preference and what will blend well with the front exterior of your home. Careful pruning will give the shrubs the look you want. When planting, examine the width of your path, and place your shrubs far enough away from the walkway itself to prevent any overhang as the bushes grow.