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How to Make a Graveled Walkway

Gravel is one of the least expensive landscaping materials you can use to create a walkway. Installation of a gravel walkway is relatively simple, and the finished product is easy to work with and maintain. Even novice landscapers should have no problem creating paths using this material. Gravel for walkways is available in many colors and textures, and can add a finishing touch to any lawn or flower garden.

Things You'll Need

  • Gravel
  • Sharp spade
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Border or edging to contain the gravel
  • Gravel rake
  • Boots and work gloves
  • Heavy landscaping fabric and pins (optional; use fabric suitable for use under gravel)
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      Mark the area where you would like to create a walkway. Using a sharp spade, dig marks in the ground to help you identify the barriers of the path.

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      Remove all grass and other plants from inside the walkway using your previously dug margins as a guide. Place the plant material into your wheelbarrow as you go.

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      If needed, remove soil until the ground of the pathway is relatively level. Roll the wheelbarrow to another location and dump the contents.

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      Install your border or edging of choice along the edges of the walkway. If you use stones or bricks, place them as close together as possible to prevent the gravel from spilling out.

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      Add some of the gravel to your wheelbarrow. Roll the wheelbarrow to the area of your walkway and dump the contents. Continue adding gravel to the pathway until the entire surface is covered. Aim for a consistent layer of three inches of gravel. Rake the gravel until it lays evenly on the ground.