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How to Pour an Aggregate Walkway

Construction aggregate is a mixture of crushed and chopped materials, usually stones of various densities. A great way to use aggregate is to give the appearance of loose rocks in the construction of a walkway. The process of laying an aggregate walkway combines a top layer of aggregate for aesthetic purposes and a hidden under layer of cement for strength and foundation. You can use any style of aggregate to create a wide variety of looks on your path.

Things You'll Need

  • 4-by-1s
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Metal rebar grids
  • Cement
  • Screeding plank
  • Ribbed bull float
  • Crushed aggregate
  • Bull float
  • Garden hose
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    • 1

      Dig a trench to the size you want the walkway to be. Make the walkway at least 4 feet wide to allow two people to walk along the path at once.

    • 2

      Construct a frame for the walkway using 4-by-1s. Stand the 4-by-1s along the outer edges of where the walkway will be and push them down into the ground to hold them steady.

    • 3

      Spread out the plastic sheeting on the ground within the 4-by-1 frame and lay the rebar on top. It's okay if the grids overlap as long as there are no gaps at the ends of each piece.

    • 4

      Pour out the cement into the 4-by-1 frame until it is filled to the edges. Use a screeding plank to smooth down the cement until it is level across the entire walkway.

    • 5

      Run a ribbed bull float across the surface of the wet cement to create an even ribbed design all over the entire walkway.

    • 6

      Toss the aggregate over the ribbed cement. Use a shovel and apply a thick, even layer of aggregate until the cement is completely covered.

    • 7

      Pour more cement on top of the aggregate and smooth it down with a regular float. Make sure the cement is worked completely into the aggregate and effectively covers the pieces.

    • 8

      Leave the walkway to cure for four hours then spray down the top of the walkway with a garden hose. You need to wet down the top layer of cement.

    • 9

      Keep spraying the walkway until all of the loose pieces of the top layer of cement are cleaned away and the aggregate is revealed. Wash the loose pieces away so they don't dry on the walkway.

    • 10

      Let the walkway cure until the cement is completely set and hard. Remove the wood frame and fill the edges with dirt to hide the exposed cement sides.