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How to Build Outdoor Walkway Steps

The right landscaping can mean the difference between your property becoming an oasis or a useless patch of dirt. To create continuity throughout your property, purchase walkway steps made from the same material as your patio or deck. This could mean your steps are flat wood, wooden blocks, cement-formed shapes, brick or rock. The size and number of steps depends on the grade and length of the descent you are accommodating. The stride you feel comfortable with also helps determine the design of your steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Steps made of your patio/deck material (size and number according to your specific needs)
  • Shovel
  • Load of gravel
  • Power gravel compactor (if using larger rock or wooden steps)
  • Long level
  • Tractor or forklift (if using heavy stone)
  • Mallet
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    • 1

      Draw out a design plan for where you want your steps to be placed. Include in the drawing which pieces of material (individual steps) you want where, so you can refer to the plan when measuring the step placement. You want to walk from step to step easily and naturally, so keep stride in mind when measuring out the placement of steps. This design plan should include dimensions, number of steps and placement.

    • 2

      Measure the material you are using as steps and carve out descending steps into the earth with a shovel. Create each space for a step quite a bit deeper than necessary to accommodate for the gravel base.

    • 3

      Lay the gravel onto the forms of the steps. Spread it out to create a thick layer for the base of your steps. This helps keep the steps from sinking into the ground over time.

    • 4

      Pack down the gravel using the power gravel compactor or, if your steps are going to be smaller and the space will not fit a compactor, use your feet and body weight to pack down the gravel. Keep adding more gravel until, when packed down, the space feels sturdy and fits your step nicely. Check that the step space is level. If it is not, add more gravel and pack it down to level the base.

      Each space should be measured to fit the step that will be placed there. The steps could be different sizes, especially when using large cut rock or a flared design.

    • 5

      Place each step according to your original design plan in Step 1. For each step, fit the material snugly into the carved-out, gravelled step. This may take some wiggling and force with a mallet or heavy machinery like a tractor. Level the step. You may need to add more gravel underneath.

    • 6

      Fill in any gaps with remaining gravel. This helps keep the steps from shifting.