Home Garden

Installation of Pavers in Soil

Installing a paved walkway can be an arduous task, requiring hard labor and specialized equipment. Laying paving blocks in a simple pathway directly into the soil accomplishes the same idea but at much less expense and labor. Paver stones come with many options regarding material, colors and shape. Choosing the paver stones that complement the home adds to the landscaping value.

Things You'll Need

  • Paver stones at least two inches thick
  • Sturdy, long-bladed knife
  • Gravel
  • Construction sand
  • Heavy-duty trowel
  • Small carpenters level
  • Dirt tamper
  • Yardstick
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    • 1

      Walk the path where the pavers will go. Everywhere you step is a location for a paver stone. Mark each footprint with spray paint or a small stake in the ground.

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      Place a paver down on the first footprint. Cut around the paver and through the turf with the knife. Lift the paver back up from the ground.

    • 3

      Dig the turf up with the trowel. Continue to dig until there is a paver-shaped hole the depth of the paver stone plus 4 inches.

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      Smooth the bottom of the hole and pack it down with the dirt tamper. Slide a yardstick into the hole along one side so that you will be able to measure as you fill the hole.

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      Pour chat or gravel into the hole to cover the bottom 3 inches. Tamp down lightly.

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      Pour construction-grade sand into the hole, tamping it down every few moments. The goal is to fill the spaces between the gravel with the sand and have 3/4-inch of sand on top of the rocks. Use the carpenter's level to ensure that the top of the sand is level in all directions. Remove the yardstick when finished.

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      Lower the paver on top of the sand. It should be approximately ¼ inch below ground level. If not, pull it out and adjust the level of the sand as necessary, and put the paver back in.

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      Fill the loose edges around the paver with the soil that was taken from the hole.

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      Repeat the process as necessary to complete the walkway.