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Pitcher Plants in Missouri

Thriving in soil where plants otherwise obtain no nutrition, pitcher plants are carnivorous plants. They rely on the nutrients absorbed from prey to thrive in areas that are boggy and that possess poor soil quality. In the state of Missouri, there are a few places to find these interesting pitchers.
  1. Missouri Marshlands

    • Marshy environments are found near rivers, streams and other bodies of water in Missouri.

      There are miles of marshlands and boggy areas throughout the southern regions of the Missouri River. These areas serve as optimal environments for the growth of pitcher plants and other carnivorous plants.

    Pitcher Plants

    • Pitcher plants can be grown in terrariums and greenhouses as ornamentals and pest control.

      Pitcher plants contain digestive enzymes in their trumpet-like receptacle blossoms. This enzyme is also a sickly-sweet smelling attractant that draws insects and small vertebrates to their deaths. The digestive fluid and attractant is so slippery that once its prey slips inside of the pitcher, it cannot escape and drowns before it is digested slowly by the fluid.

    Yellow Trumpet Pitcher Plant

    • Pitcher plants of various types thrive in marshlands, but most commonly in boggy regions of Missouri, the yellow trumpet is most common. The yellow trumpet pitcher plant is known botanically as Sarracenia flava.