Home Garden

Things to Consider When Landscaping Along a Driveway

Your driveway greets visitors, leading them to your home. A plain concrete driveway becomes a focal point with attractive landscaping along the edges. Before you start planting bushes and placing landscaping borders along the drive, look at the factors that could affect your choices. Everything from the type of plants to the layout comes into play with landscaping the driveway.
  1. Space

    • The amount of space available affects what you can do with the sides of the driveway. If you have another structure or additional landscaping close to the driveway, you'll need to do a smaller landscaped area near the drive. The width of the driveway is also a consideration. If the driveway is narrow and you plant flowers or similar plants right next to it, people may end up stepping on the landscaping and ruining your flowers. For narrow driveways without a lot of space, a rock-based landscape with a few small bushes may work better. The width of the driveway also influences the width of your landscaping area. If you have a wide driveway and only prepare a narrow landscaping area, it won't be as noticeable.


    • The style of the landscaped area should work with the general style of the home and other landscaping in the area. Decide which elements will work in the area to create your desired style. The landscaping offers you an opportunity to add color to the area to increase the overall curb appeal of your home. Small flowering bushes work well for this purpose.


    • The landscaping you choose affects the security of your home and safety of visitors to some degree. Large bushes along the driveway could provide a spot for burglars to hide. You also have less visibility as you back out of the driveway if the landscaping is too high. If you use edging or landscaping blocks to define the border, be aware of the potential for tripping as your guests get out of their vehicles. Adding lights to the driveway landscaping marks the path and adds security at night. The lights prevent tripping and help light up the home overall to make it less appealing to burglars.


    • The amount of maintenance needed by the landscaping is another factor to consider. Flowers often need watering frequently if it doesn't rain. If you plant bushes along the drive, shoveling snow may be more difficult, especially if the bushes grow high. You'll have to shovel the snow over the bushes to get it off of the driveway. Fall cleanup is also a consideration. Fall leaves mixed in with mulch on your driveway landscaping is difficult to clean out. Consider how much maintenance and care you want to do on the actual landscaping itself, as well as how the landscaping affects your other home maintenance.