Home Garden

DIY Ideas on Walkways & Pathways

Building walkways and pathways is one landscaping job that even the least experienced outdoorsperson can do. A number of different DIY projects are available that will allow you to stamp your own personality on these features. The secret to increasing your chances of success can be found in the time you put into the preparation stage. Learn all you can about the best materials, construction practices and labor requirements before you step into the yard.
  1. Alternating Flagstone Steps

    • Give a walkway a little dose of personality by alternating the location of flagstones. Laying down precisely cut flagstone stepping stones endows the path with a more creative design than laying them down in a straight line. A key part of the preparation process of this DIY project is keeping in mind that flagstones are heavy, so this idea is best suited for a short path rather than a long one.

    Block Raised Bed

    • Accomplish greater personality, at a greater expenditure of time and money, by situating a raised bed of stacked blocks in the center of a walkway around which the path divides before coming together again on the other side. Interlocking masonry blocks are easier to install than dry stacking with individual stones. Create a circular wall about three or four blocks high that surrounds an empty space that can be filled with flowers, a statue or a birdbath.

    Mulch Path

    • One of the easiest pathways to make is a mulch path. This option is most suitable for a rustic landscaping scheme and will work best if you choose a material that naturally integrates into the surroundings. If you have pine trees, create a path made of pine needles. A pathway adjacent to a woodsy area would benefit aesthetically from being made of wood chips. Before deciding on a mulch path, keep in mind that decomposition of any organic material will require refreshing the path every year or two.

    Edging with Plants

    • If your existing path or walkway has a border that is either too harsh or too plain, soften the effect by lining the borders with flowers. Brightly colored flowers that grow low to the ground --- such as coral bells, lavender and baby's breath --- make a visually pleasing bouquet. The longer the walkway that needs to be edged, the more low-maintenance plants you'll want.


    • Illuminating your walkways and pathways for nighttime enjoyment will, in most cases, require nothing more than one single outdoor electrical outlet. Before deciding on low voltage, make sure that you meet the code requirements of having built-in ground fault circuit interrupters. Options for lighting fixtures range from small, mushroom-shaped lamps placed along the sides of the path to more ornate and artistic fixtures made of materials like wrought iron or blown glass.