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How to Make a Landscape Path

Constructing a pathway through your landscape is a project that requires a few days of labor but provides a lifetime of enjoyment. Adding a layer of depth to your landscaping as well as inviting and interesting dimensions, a curving path through grass, flowers and trees opens up a scenic walking area where you can enjoy the sights, sounds and scents that encompass your yard.

Things You'll Need

  • Rake
  • String or rope
  • Shovel
  • Trowel
  • Loose gravel or wood chips
  • Benderboard or landscape edging
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      Clear the area of any loose stones, branches or debris. Use a rake to flatten the surface for your landscaping path.

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      Lay string or rope in the shape and size you want your landscape path. A 40-inch-wide path will provide comfortable walking space for a single person. Include a wider sitting area at the end of the path for a couple of chairs or a table and chair. Take a few steps back to view and adjust the string or rope accordingly.

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      Use a garden trowel to dig a 3-inch-deep outline along the landscaping path. Remove the string or rope and discard. Fill the trench with bender board or landscape edging. Backfill the landscape soil, leaving 1 to 2 inches of board or edging exposed to give plants room to grow and expand.

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      Fill the inside of the pathway with gravel, small landscaping stones or wood chips. Add steppingstones every 2 feet if the stones or gravel are difficult to walk on.