Home Garden

Benefits of a Front Path

A front path adds style, convenience and security to your home. The path leads from your driveway to the front door, from the sidewalk to the front door or from the road to your front door. It can be created in any fashion that fits you and your home, from a serpentine path to a straight path. Having a front path has many benefits.
  1. Style

    • Stone, brick, concrete, tile, stepping stones: you have many options when creating a front path. You do not have to use the standard poured concrete; you can be creative and create a front path that suits your home's style. For example, if you have a cottage style or traditional style home, then try using stone or brick. Both materials enable you to create designs and patterns; for instance, you can use bricks to create a zigzag.


    • Having a front path gives you another opportunity to add some character to your yard through landscaping. Add flowers along the edge of your front path. You could also add trees to frame the path. You could use your front path to create flower beds by portioning off a part of your yard when you are building it.


    • When it rains or when it snows and you are trying to bring groceries in or just get into your house, your shoes become caked with mud, which you track into your home. Your guests have this problem as well upon entering your home. Even if the ground is not wet, you are walking on dirt and uneven ground; traffic like that will kill the grass underfoot over time. Adding a front path will add convenience and enable you to keep your home clean.

    Resale Value

    • Curb appeal adds value to your home -- it's the first impression potential buyers have of your property. Adding a front path that goes well with your home's style adds character and adds to your property's curb appeal. This gives your home a leg up over the other homes on the market that buyers are comparing your home with.