Home Garden

Grass and Turf Pavers

Installing a new driveway, patio or deck made of pavers can revamp the look of a home, but this look doesn't fit the needs of all homeowners. These concrete or brick materials can create an artificial look, and can potentially cause flooding issues by creating a change in grade and water flow in the area. Many manufacturers, however, produce a "green" type of paver that literally grows grass for a permeable surface.
  1. Description

    • Grass and turf pavers do have some concrete in them: the concrete is honeycomb-shaped, with hollow diamond- or pentagonal-shaped holes in the center and in between pavers. The paving system sits in place using a plastic grid system, over which the pavers sit, having direct access to the soil below. Once the pavers are in place, the installer fills the holes with a little sand, followed by soil. This will facilitate drainage and support the plants that will grow through the holes.


    • Once the pavers are fully installed and the sand and soil have some time to settle, it's time to plant the pavers. Any type of grass or turf seed can grow in these pavers, since they are directly placed on top of the soil below. The concrete pavers support the roots of the plants, protecting them from the pressures of foot traffic and vehicles from above. The pavers also prevent the soil and sand from eroding away, maintaining the integrity of the grass or turf surface.


    • Grass and turf pavers are used in a number of residential and commercial applications. At home, you can build a driveway or parking area for guests and family members that blends in almost seamlessly with your lawn or landscape. These pavers also offer a natural-looking way to lead travelers to your home, or through the pathways and walking areas of your garden. Many public parks use these pavers for walkways, trails and parking lots so as not to disturb the natural look of the area. You can also find them lining some commercial drainage channels and along hills and walkways to prevent dangerous soil erosion.


    • Aside from the obvious natural, unobtrusive look of the pavers, they offer a number of other distinctive advantages. The erosion control of the concrete areas of the pavers stops the soil from washing away, preventing unexpected and potentially dangerous collapses in the walkways and paths. These pavers also prevent flooding and drainage problems that often occur after a new solid paver construction; the water from rainfall helps to grow the grass and turf, and excess water drains down through the soil instead of toward your home.