Home Garden

How to Apply Thin Brick Walkways

Thin bricks are often easier for new do-it-yourself homeowners to work with, compared to thick, traditional-style brick. This is because thin bricks are so much lighter and take a lot less effort to install. For example; if you think a brick walkway can add some character and style to the outside of your home, but you don't want to hire a professional to install it, applying thin bricks to the walkway can help make the project easier for you to do yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Rope
  • Spade
  • Graded base
  • Water
  • Garden hose
  • Hand tamper
  • 1-by-4 boards
  • Mallet
  • Wooden stakes
  • Deck screws
  • Masonry sand
  • Stone dust
  • Push broom
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    • 1

      Throw down a length of rope along either side of where you want the thin bricks to create a walkway. This area should be 2 inches wider than you want the final walkway.

    • 2

      Dig down about 3 inches into the ground using a spade. Use the rope as a guide and level the ground between.

    • 3

      Add 1 inch of graded base to the area you dug out. Wet the base with a garden hose and compact it with a hand tamper. Repeat the watering and tamping process a few times to fully compact the base.

    • 4

      Add 1-by-4 boards to the sides of the walkway. Dig down into the ground and bury the boards about halfway down. Use a mallet to pound them further into the ground.

    • 5

      Install wooden stakes every 3 feet around the outside edges of the 1-by-4s. Pound them into place with the mallet until the are even with the 1-by-4 surface. Attach the two with deck screws.

    • 6

      Pour in about 1 inch of masonry sand. Compact it with the hand tamper. Place a piece of lumber that stretches from one side of the walkway to the other on the sand. Pull it across to level the sand.

    • 7

      Add a row of thin bricks on either side of the walkway. Lay the bricks lengthwise, one in front of the other, and give each a tap with the mallet.

    • 8

      Pull a shorter length of lumber across the inside edges of the two rows of brick to re-level the sand.

    • 9

      Install the remaining bricks by piecing them in place within the walkway on top of the sand. Give each a tap with the mallet.

    • 10

      Pour a large amount of stone dust overtop your thin brick pathway. Distribute the stone dust across the bricks with a push broom, getting it inside all the joints.

    • 11

      Wet the brick walkway and add more sand if all the joints between the thin bricks are not filled yet.

    • 12

      Check back in one week. If you can see empty spaces in the joints, add more stone dust like you did before.