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How to Reinstall a Brick Pathway

Brick pathways add charm to any yard as a durable, practical and long-lasting addition to the landscape. Brick is an environmentally friendly material and easy to work with as repairs are needed. What causes bricks to buckle in a pathway is the roots of trees growing up through the walkway or too much moisture pushing the bricks out of place. By replacing a few of the bricks in the damaged area on occasion, a brick pathway looks brand new as soon as you're finished. With a few tools and a little know-how, any pathway can be restored in an afternoon.

Things You'll Need

  • Margin trowel
  • Mason's hammer
  • Rubber mallet
  • Protective glasses
  • Sand
  • Chisel
  • Replacement bricks
  • Level
  • Pressure washer
  • Hose with nozzle
  • Brickset
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      Identify sections of the walkway where bricks have shifted out of place and need to be replaced and leveled. Count the number of new bricks required. Some bricks can be reused, but some may get damaged when being removed with the chisel. It is a good idea to buy some extra bricks for those that become damaged and cracked during repair.

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      Use a chisel to work the first brick loose for replacement. Work one end of the brick free. Lift the brick out of the walkway. Remove old mortar from the sides off the brick with the chisel.

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      Cut out any tree root or other obstacle that caused the brick to buckle. Add sand if necessary to make the brick level again with the rest of the pathway. Add or remove sand under each brick as needed to adjust the brick height.

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      Replace each protruding brick as needed, working down the pathway. Use a mallet to pound bricks into place when necessary if they do not easily slip back into the original spot. It is not always easy to put the brick back into place without using some force.

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      Use a straight edge or level as you work to ensure that the pathway remains level as you progress through the project. Keep sand handy for leveling purposes.

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      Fill the joints between the bricks with sand. Keep the joints as even in size as possible for stability and a symmetrical, finished appearance.

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      Tighten rows of bricks by using the mallet to make adjustments to line bricks up from the outside inward.

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      Hose down the finished pathway to wash away any loose sand and other residue. A pressure washer can also be used.