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How to Make Walkways on a Hill

The biggest concern in making walkways on a hill is to design then in a way to avoid erosion. Soil and vegetation disturbance can cause large portions of the hill's surface to wash down the slope in heavy rains. Large water channels are cut into the hillside further increasing water flow that deposits large amounts of soil in the area below. Eventually the entire topography is altered. These calamities can be avoided by correctly designing the walkway and using the right construction materials.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray can of marking paint
  • Pick
  • Shovel
  • Landscape timbers or cross ties
  • Rods or posts
  • Large rocks
  • Steel tamping tool
  • Sand
  • Pea gravel
  • Water hose
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      Mark the proposed walkway route using marking paint. Design the walk so that it crosses the slope rather than traveling straight down the hill. If the slope is long, direction of the walkway may have to be changed several times. When turns in the walkway are made, the portions following the slope need to be very short. This design will slow water flow and keep soil erosion to a minimum.

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      Level the walkway by cutting dirt from the up-slope side and spreading it along the path using a pick and shovel. Cut no more dirt from the up-slope than necessary. The height of the cut on the up-slope side will depend on the steepness of the hill.

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      Install landscape timbers or cross ties along the cut to prevent soil movement. Stack enough timbers to completely cover the cut and secure them in place with posts or rods. This retaining wall will vary in height as the height of the cut varies.

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      Lay large rocks along the down-slope side of the walkway to slow water flow. These rocks should be too large to carry in one hand but small enough to carry using both hands.

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      Tamp the loose soil in the walkway until firm with a steel tamping tool. This tool can be obtained from tool rental companies. Spread sand in the walkway to a 2-inch depth and tamp firm. This will allow water to drain from the walkway.

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      Spread pea gravel onto the layer of sand at a depth of 3 inches. After the gravel is spread, spray the walkway with a water hose. This will wash away the dust and small particles leaving the larger gravel on top. Watering also compacts the material.