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How to Edge a Decomposed Granite Walkway

Decomposed granite is a popular choice for use in home and garden hardscaping. Decomposed granite's durability and warm color makes it well-suited for garden walkways and paths. Decomposed granite is a fine-grained product, and can easily spread out from the installation area if it isn't contained with an appropriate border or edge. Here's one way to edge your decomposed granite walkway that will work well, both practically and aesthetically.

Things You'll Need

  • Square-tipped shovel
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Sand
  • Brick paving edgers
  • Rubber mallet
  • Level
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    • 1

      Dig a trench with vertical walls along the edge of the walkway, using a square-tipped shovel. Make the trench one inch deeper than the height of your edging pavers, and about 1/2 inch wider. Place the dirt into a wheelbarrow as you dig, for easy disposal.

    • 2

      Pour a 1-inch layer of sand into the bottom of the trench.

    • 3

      Starting at one end of the trench, place your pavers into the trench, one at a time. Tap on each paver with a rubber mallet as you place it to set it firmly.

    • 4

      Place the level onto the pavers periodically to ensure that the course of edging pavers is evenly laid.

    • 5

      Fill the edges on either side of the trench with sand to prevent shifting of the pavers.