Home Garden

How to Line Hedges Beside a Driveway

A well-designed and -maintained hedge can add function and aesthetic appeal to any area in which you cultivate. Adding a hedge along a driveway helps define the border between your home and that of your neighbors. Placing a hedge in this area does, however, require some careful consideration and planning.


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      Check local city ordinances. For safety reasons, many communities make it a matter of law that hedges lining a driveway can extend only so far toward the street to make sure that drivers exiting the driveway can see traffic while they back out. Check these ordinances to see how far out toward the street you will be allowed legally to line your driveway with hedges.

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      Choose a species of hedge to line your driveway. This is a purely subjective and personal decision; choose a hedge species that will give a look that you desire to your driveway when it grows to full maturity. If city laws also mandate the maximum height of hedges lining a driveway, make sure to purchase a hedge that does not grow much taller than the legal limit to decrease the amount of manual trimming that you will need to do. Also consider the number of individual hedge plants you will need to purchase; measure the entire space that you plan to line with hedges, and buy enough individual hedge plants to ensure total coverage of the entire area when the plant is at full maturity while not crowding each other and competing for growth space.

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      Plant and cultivate the hedges. Hedges generally are purchased as dwarf plants from nurseries with wrapped root systems that are transplanted to soil. Learn all the key cultivation tips specific to that species, such as watering needs, fertilization and mulching. Once mature, your driveway will be lined with functional and attractive hedges.