Home Garden

How to Lay Brick or Stone Outside Your Sunroom Door

A doorstep provides a visual transition between the house and the landscaping and a helpful, solid place to stand while you open the door. A small section of paving stones or bricks makes an attractive doorstep. Choose from the wide variety of paving options at the local garden store or use the leftover bricks or stones from your foundation. Add a doormat to the paved pad and significantly reduce the amount of dirt and grass tracked in to your sunroom.

Things You'll Need

  • Round point shovel
  • Bricks
  • Trowel
  • Square point shovel
  • Level
  • Sand
  • Garden hose
  • Spray nozzle
  • Broom
  • Paving stones
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  1. Brick

    • 1

      Level the area where you will place the bricks with a round-point shovel. Do this by removing any high spots and filling in any low spots.

    • 2

      Arrange the bricks in the desired shape of the step or pad. Insert a trowel into the soil around the outside edge of the bricks to mark the shape of the excavation. Remove the bricks.

    • 3

      Remove the grass and dirt inside the trowel marks to a level 1/2 inch deeper than the depth of the bricks. Use a square-point shovel to make the sides and the bottom of the excavation straight and level. Check the bottom of the hole with a level to ensure it is flat and even.

    • 4

      Fill the excavation with 1/2 inch of sand. Use a rake to smooth the sand and a level to ensure the surface of the sand is level.

    • 5

      Arrange the bricks in the hole. Cover the bricks with sand. Place the spray nozzle on the garden hose and water the sand in with a light spray of water. Apply more sand and water it in also. Repeat this process until the sand is even with or slightly higher than the top of the bricks.

    • 6

      Allow the sand to dry overnight and sweep away the excess sand with a broom.


    • 7

      Level the ground as described in the first step of the previous section. Lay out the paving stones as desired.

    • 8

      Stick a trowel into the ground around the outside edges of the stones to mark the shape of the excavation. Remove all but the thickest stone.

    • 9

      Mark the shape of this stone by sticking a trowel into the ground around the outside edge. Remove the stone, placing it to the side where you can see it with its bottom side up.

    • 10

      Dig out soil inside the shape you marked, to a level 1/2 inch deeper than the stone. Dig the hole deeper where the stone is thicker and shallower where the stone is shallower, referring to the stone as a guide.

    • 11

      Place the stone in its hole and repeat the process for all the other stones. When you finish, the top of the stones should be level and 1/2 inch below the desired level of the doorstep.

    • 12

      Remove the stones and fill the excavation with a layer of 3/4-inch-deep sand in all places. Replace the stones and fill the cracks with sand, as described in Steps 5 and 6 of the previous section. Allow the sand to dry overnight and sweep away any excess.