Home Garden

Sulphur Tree Treatments

Sulphur is often sprayed on trees by professional services that address home and garden pests. Homeowners or orchard owners can administer sulphur compounds by following the manufacturer's directions and warnings, which includes the use of protective gear. Sulphur sprays are sold at home and garden centers that offer tree-care products or farm supply stores.
  1. Function

    • Sulphur treatments come in a variety of mixtures to address tree health. Lime sulphur mixtures are used as a fungicide or to kill moss. Farmers use this mixture for fields. A copper sulfate mix is used as an algaecide, fungicide or to kill moss. Copper sulfate mixtures come in fluids, sprays, or dusts or powders that water is added to. It is not generally sold at home and garden centers because of its toxicity. Administration of this chemical is only needed every few years. Both forms of sulfate mixtures are used in sprayers when used for tree treatments.


    • A variety of trees and shrubs benefit from sulphur treatments. According to Bonideproducts.com, trees that carry produce and react well to sulphur treatments include bearing fruit trees and nonbearing fruit trees. Sulphur kills a number of diseases on shade trees and shrubs. Diseases and pests that are killed by sulphur include moss, mildew, blotch, brown rot, scab and blight.


    • Each variety of tree requires a different measured amount of sulphur mix to treat the tree. A variety of manufacturers sell sulphur mixes for treating trees. Ortho, Bonide, HiYield and Tiger 90 are just a few manufacturers that offer sulphur products. Some products need to be mixed with water solutions and others are pre-mixed. Sulphur products that are not pre-mixed typically require 2 to 10 oz. of sulphur mix per 1 gallon of water.


    • Protective clothing must be worn at all times when handling sulphur products. You cannot get it on your skin, inhale it or get it in your eyes. Do not use a spray product on a windy day and do not allow others to enter the treated area for several days after. Administer treatments during weather that is cooler than 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If a person or pet comes in contact with the sulphur treatment, immediately contact poison control for instructions.