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How to Grow Anadenanthera Peregrina

Anadenanthera peregrina is a tropical tree native to South America with common names that include calcium tree, cohoba, jopo and yopo. It can grow to 65 feet in height in a natural setting. Anadenanthera peregrina seeds have hallucinogenic properties and the wood makes high-quality furniture. This tree grows well from fresh seed and is hardy in tropical climates.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden trowel
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      Collect a fully ripened Anadenanthera peregrina seed pod when it drops from the tree. Open the seed pod and extract the seeds.

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      Prepare a soil mixture of 50 percent sand and 50 percent coco coir. Fill a seed tray with the soil mixture and plant fresh Anadenanthera peregrina seeds at a depth of 1/2 inch. The seeds should be as fresh as possible as the germination rate drops rapidly with age. Anadenanthera peregrina seeds do not germinate at all when they dry out. Add fungicide to improve the germination rate of older seeds.

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      Keep the seed tray in strong light without placing it in direct sun and keep the soil moist at all times. Keep the seed tray at room temperature. The Anadenanthera peregrina seeds should sprout within a week and begin growing quickly.

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      Select a permanent planting site for Anadenanthera peregrina in full sun. This plant can grow in a container and can only grow outside in areas that never experience freezing temperatures. Anadenanthera peregrina seedlings can tolerate a range of soil types and soil pH.

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      Move the Anadenanthera peregrina seedlings to the permanent planting site when they are no more than 6 inches in height. Water them with 1 to 2 inches of water per week. Anadenanthera peregrina should require little maintenance once it establishes its root system.