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How to Prune a One-Year Seedling Bonsai

Bonsai is the art of growing trees and bushes in small forms and using skilled pruning to shape them. Growing bonsai from seed is a very slow process. The seeds often take months to germinate, and the wait for the plant's trunk to become 1-inch across could be four to five years. If quality seeds are grown in an environment that mimics their natural one, the fruits of your labor will become reality. To help the bonsai strengthen as it grows, it's important to prune it in the seedling phase, from the time it is only a few months old to past 1 year.

Things You'll Need

  • Liquid fertilizer
  • Seed trays
  • Pruning shears
  • Planting pots
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      Look for two small leaves to grow on the seedling. They should appear before the first birthday and are called cotyledons. They nurture the plant until the real leaves grow.

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      Pluck off the cotyledons when the true leaves appear. Place each one in a small pot, filled with compost almost to the top. Cover the cotyledons with additional compost and water it to keep it consistently moist. Wet compost could kill the seedling.

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      Fertilize the bonsai seedling five to six weeks after removing the beginner leaves. Use a liquid fertilizer that has been diluted to half strength. Do not touch the tree trunk, as the young bonsai will burn easily.

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      Prune bonsai in the spring when it is 1-year old. Although still young, the bonsai will benefit from pruning some of its top growth. Trim off the tips of the stems to create growth in other directions, making the bonsai bushier in appearance.

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      Prune the roots of 1-year-old seedlings and repot the plant. Fast-growing bonsai plants should be put in larger pots every year. Lift the plant from the pot and check the roots. If they are packed tightly or root bound, rake them out with a bonsai root rake. Cut back the thicker roots, using scissors, leaving the thinner ones in place. Do not prune more than 20 percent of the roots each year. Root pruning will allow the plant to grow finer feeder roots and better absorb nutrients. Repot the bonsai in a larger container, using all of the removed soil plus some additional bonsai potting soil.

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      Encourage the shape of the tree with annual pruning. Cut off unnecessary branches and those that are growing in the wrong direction. Snip them off where they meet other branches, using pruning shears.