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The Colors of Maples

Maple trees are renowned for their fall color. Intense landscapes filled with reds, yellows and oranges are created as the red and sugar maples trade their summer greens for autumn splendor. People tour by busloads to see the display, postcards are sent to friends in Europe and Canada has even put a red maple leaf on its flag. Some maples, however, have colorful foliage throughout the growing season.
  1. The Red Maples

    • Japanese maples, such as Acer palmatum "Bloodgood" and "Suminagashi," are hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture zone 5 as long as they have some wind shelter. Acer platanoides "Royal Red" Norway maple has deep maroon-purple leaves similar to Crimson King but with a slightly more intense color, and less tendency to crack with frost, while Crimson Sentry's spring foliage is bright red. Hardy to USDA zone 4, these dense maples mature to about 35 feet tall and 25 feet wide, making them ideal trees for small yards.

    The Yellow Maples

    • Acer platanoides "Princeton Gold," also known as Prigo, is a compact, rounded tree of about 35 feet. Leaves emerge in spring in a bright yellow, then mature to green. New growth remains yellow, however, giving the illusion of a tree that sparkles. The foliage tends to scorch in very hot conditions. Kelly's Gold is a golden-leaved sport of the North American box elder maple. Golden-yellow spring leaves turn fresh lime green by summer and pale yellow before falling in autumn.

    The Silver Maples

    • Acer saccharinum "Silver Queen" is a common cultivar with an upright habit that is rounded when at its mature height of 50 feet. Its leaves are bright green above, silvery beneath and yellowish in autumn. Any slight breeze will display the flashing of silver. Seedlings and roots of this tree can become bothersome. The cut-leaf foliage of the variety Born's Gracious resembles a Japanese maple.

    The Variegated Maples

    • Acer platanoides "Drummondi," also called harlequin maple or silver variegated maple, grows to about 35 feet tall and 25 feet wide at maturity. The foliage is pale green with white margins. Prune out any branches that are solid green when the tree is young to guarantee variegation. A stunning sycamore maple, Acer pseudoplatanus "Eskimo Sunset," or Esk, is hardy to USDA zone 5a. Its orange-pink leaves emerge late, then turn to green-splashed cream and pink with purple undersides.