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How to Kill Mesquite Tree Pellets

Mesquite trees are found throughout the southwest United States and Mexico. These trees are generally regarded as a nuisance, quickly overtaking a property if left unchecked. As with other trees, mesquite develop from seeds or pellets and form trunks, from which branches grow, potentially ruining what would otherwise be a beautifully landscaped property. To kill these trees, it is best to start when they first begin to sprout from pellets or seeds.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Bucket
  • Tree herbicide
  • Dish washing soap
  • Paint stirrer
  • Spray bottle
  • Tarp
  • Shovel
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    • 1

      Put on rubber gloves. In a bucket, combine one part tree herbicide with three parts dish washing soap.

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      Stir the herbicide and dish soap with a paint stirrer, mixing the two ingredients until well blended but not foamy. The consistency should be like soapy water with few bubbles.

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      Fill a spray bottle with the herbicide and dish soap mixture. Spray the mesquite tree pellets or sprouts liberally with the mixture until soaked thoroughly.

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      Allow the mixture to seep into the mesquite tree pellets or sprouts as long as directed by the manufacturer. If the directions call for more than one application, do so as suggested on the herbicide label for best results.

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      Cover the mesquite tree pellets or sprouts with a tarp while still wet with the detergent and herbicide mixture. This will prevent rain from watering the mesquite sprouts and block out any sunlight.

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      Leave the mesquite covered with the tarp for a two- to three-week period then remove it to see if the pellets are dead. Dig up the fledgling plants with a shovel to eradicate the tree.