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How to Landscape Around Trees Using Edging

Trees are the focal point of many landscaped yards, and setting them off by placing edging around them enhances their looks, adds nutrition and provides protection. Edging comes in styles to fit any landscaping theme, including flat bricks level with the lawn, bricks and stones that create an island effect, rubber edging that disappears into the ground and even edging that simulates a miniature white picket or wrought-iron fence around the trees.


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      Analyze the overall aspect of the home, lawn and trees to see how you want the area to look. Flat edging even with the grass does not draw attention to itself, while a more stylized look captures attention when viewed. Mixing styles such as a more rustic cedar plank edging with a modern architectural style may not blend well.

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      Consider how much time you have available for yard maintenance. A flat stone edging is easily mowed over while an edging that is higher than the lawn level will have to have the nearby grass trimmed by hand or with a string trimmer.

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      Group together nearby trees within the same edging to provide a sense of continuity to the lawn. If too many trees have separate edging, the lawn can look choppy instead of flowing. If the trees are too far apart to belong in the same group, it is acceptable to have separate edging for them. Trees that are near the house may tie the edging in with the foundation.

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      Extend the edging from the trunk to the tree's dripline for optimum spacing, according to the University of Massachusetts.

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      Install the edging as directed by the instructions that come with it. Simple edging, such as fences, are just pushed into the ground, while blocks are inserted into a trench dug to meet their width and length.

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      Fill the complete interior from the edging to the tree trunk with landscaping fabric, and then put a layer of mulch over that. Choices for mulch include wood chips, tree bark, stone and lava rock. Organic mulches have to be replaced over time, while inorganic mulches are more permanent. Do not pile the mulch up against the tree bark, but instead leave several inches between it and the tree.