Home Garden

How to Plant Shrubbery

Follow these easy steps to beautiful landscaping and shrubbery

Things You'll Need

  • shovel
  • manure
  • compost
  • mulch
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      First of all, you need to find the right location for your bush. Depending on size and relationship to any building, the larger bushes(when full grown)should be planted behind smaller bushes, and so forth big to small.

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      Once location is picked, dig a hole a little deeper than the depth of the pot or root ball, and twice as wide as the fore mentioned pot or root ball. Pace some of the manure on the bottom of the hole, just enough to bring the top of the root ball above the surface of the ground.

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      set plant and backfill with the dirt from the hole and compost ( I also wrote and article on composting ) then water thoroughly, cover the ground with mulch to keep moist. water ever couple of days until plant has taken root( usually 2-3 weeks). Check out my resources below for low prices on lawn and garden supplies.