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How to Replant Lilac Bushes

Lilac bushes are popular in parks, gardens and other landscaping projects in temperate areas. They symbolize love, flower in pretty blooms, and come in a variety of species and hybrids. All types are readily dug up, moved and replanted.

You may have to replant your lilac bush for several reasons. It may have outgrown its first location, or you may want to propagate the original bush to make more. Maybe you just bought an entire lilac bush and now need to replant it on your property. Below are the simple steps to replanting a lilac bush.


    • 1

      Choose a new location for your lilac bush. It should get about six hours of direct sunlight each day and have well-draining soil.

    • 2

      Dig a hole big enough for the roots of your lilac bush. It should be about a foot wide and a foot deep.

    • 3

      Choose a lilac shoot from the original lilac bush; the shoot should be about a foot high. Dig up the shoot. Get as many roots as you can, but don't worry too much about how many of the roots you are getting, because you cannot get them all.

    • 4

      Center the lilac shoot in the hole you just dug. Fill it up with dirt, leaving a small depression around the lilac so that you can fill it with water. At the time of replanting, water your lilac bush with a couple of gallons of water, and then water it a few times a week during that season so that it gets a good start. After that, you only have to water it during dry spells.