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How to Cut Shrubs & Hedges

Protecting shrubs and hedges from overgrowth, pests and becoming damaged from the weather must be done every year. You must know how to cut shrubs and hedges to keep them healthy and attractive in the yard. Hedges and shrubs that are pruned properly will grow healthier and last for many years to come. You need to know what time of the year to prune and what type of cutting to do.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Lopping shears
  • Hedge trimmer
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      Use scissors to pinch the succulents that shoot out from the top of the shrubs and hedges. Pinch long succulents any time of year except in late summer. Pinch far enough back to the canopy and not just to the outer branches of the canopy. This promotes side branching, which makes the hedge or shrub fuller.

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      Cut branches back that are woody and not producing green foliage. This is called heading back and it means cutting the woody branch back to the healthy part of the hedge or shrub. Use a lopping shears to remove the branch back to the healthy branch or bud. This should be done in fall and early summer.

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      Thin the hedge or shrub with a lopping shears. Make cuts at the "Y" where the branches branch out. If the parent branch needs to be thinned, a ground-level cut should be made. This is done any time of the year whenever the branches are thick with dead branches.

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      Prune the oldest stems yearly to promote growth of the newer stems and branches. Use the hedge trimmer or lopping shears to cut away stems that are dead or appear to be the size of a pencil in diameter. During the fall, prune back the branches to ground level to promote new spring growth.

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      Shear the shrubs and hedges with a hedge trimmer to make the bushes into a formal shape. This should be done in May after the hedge or shrub has had time to sprout new growth and get thicker. Guide the hedge trimmer over the top ends and side end tips to shape.