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How to Care for False Jasmine Shrubs

False jasmine, belonging to the genus Gelsemium and the family of Loganiaceae, is often mistaken for the true jasmine. It is often hard to tell them apart. The yellow Carolina jasmine is a false jasmine and it is North Carolina's state flower. Both true and false jasmines have fragrant flowers and shiny green leaves. Once established, they are a beautiful addition to any landscape. Here are some things you can do to keep your false jasmine happy and healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Mulch
  • Pruning shears
  • Coffee grounds or pine needles
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      Check the acidity of the soil. The Carolina jasmine prefers soil that is acidic and well drained. By adding coffee grounds, oak leaves, sphagnum peat and pine needles, you can increase the soil's acidity.

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      Pull all weeds that are growing near the jasmine. Weeds will rob the jasmine plant of much needed moisture.

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      Keep the roots cool and shaded by putting a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch over the ground. The rest of the plant likes full sun or partial shade.

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      Feed the roots a liquid fertilizer of 10-10-10 every month.

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      Prune the false jasmine back after it has flowered. Remove any dead or broken branches. With a sharp knife, make cuts three or four bud joints beyond the old woody stems. This will help induce new shoots to grow.

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      With pruning shears in the early spring, you can prune the plant all the way back to the ground. This will control the height.