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How to Landscape Shrubs & Bushes

Planting shrubs and bushes in your landscape provides a sometimes forgotten level of interest between tall trees and low-growing plantings, such as flowers and herbs. In addition to the variety of height offered, shrubs can add color, scent, focus or privacy to your home and garden. Choosing and maintaining the right shrubbery for your yard is not difficult.


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      Consider what purpose you want your landscape shrubs to fulfill. Choose, for instance, an evergreen shrub such as boxwood that will remain full though every season if you want a hedge of shrubs to provide privacy. Looking to attract birds and wildlife to your yard? Add shrubs that bear fruit.

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      Choose the correct size of shrub for your site. Consider the mature height and width before planting a shrub. Know that this prevents the costly mistake of digging it up later or extensively pruning to maintain a manageable size.

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      Prepare the site for your shrub by amending the soil. Add a 2- to 3 inch-layer of organic compost and work it into the top 6 inches of soil before digging the hole for planting.

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      Water your shrub by keeping it evenly moist. Realize, too, that flowering shrubs may require more water during blooming season.

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      Prune your shrub only if it is recommended, as many evergreen shrubs, such as holly and juniper, are considered maintenance-free and only require light pruning to keep their shape. Understand that heavy pruning may inhibit the growth of berries that provide food for birds and other wildlife in the winter months.