Home Garden

Ideas for Shrubs Around House

When choosing shrubs for your yard, it's important to consider such factors as climate, the design of your yard and the time you have available to devote to yard care, as well as your personal tastes and landscaping needs. Is your goal to plant shrubs that will enhance your home's privacy, or are you merely concerned with beautifying your yard? Which shrubs will flourish in your climate? Are high-maintenance shrubs worth the time investment? Which shrubs will best complement the design of your yard? By carefully deciding on your priorities, you should be able to select the right shrubs for your home.
  1. Evergreen Shrubs

    • Evergreen shrubs stay attractive throughout the year. Many are hardy and require little maintenance. Holly bushes are a popular choice, due to their dark, shiny leaves and bright red berries. Holly bushes also grow well in a number of climates. Yew shrubs tolerate both shade and harsh winters. Their sharp needles are easy to prune and can be used to create topiary. Purple hopseed bushes are native to Florida and so can be grown in even the hottest, most humid climates. A flowering bush, purple hopseed can survive poor soil, drought, windy conditions and full sun. Other hardy evergreen shrubs include agave and yucca.

    Flowering Shrubs

    • Flowering shrubs add beauty to any yard. Hydrangea bushes produce pink, purple, blue and white flowers that are popular for bouquets. They do best in warm, moderate climates and are easy to grow. Rhododendrons come in a huge spectrum of colors and varieties. Although rhododendrons produce large, brilliant blooms, they are somewhat high-maintenance, requiring frequent watering in warm weather because they prefer cooler climates. Rose bushes are similarly attractive but high-maintenance. Butterfly bushes grow well in warm climates and are attractive to birds and butterflies. Other excellent flowering shrubs include camellia bushes, lilacs and azaleas.

    Native Shrubs

    • Native shrubs are easier to grow than other types, simply because they are well adapted to their growing environments. In addition, they can provide habitats for local wildlife. Shrubs native to the United States include bayberry, bottlebrush, chokecherry, serviceberry, mountain laurel and sweet pepperbush.

    Edible Shrubs

    • Shrubs that produce edible fruit, or are edible themselves, are an extremely practical choice for any home owner. Gooseberry, blueberry, cranberry, currant, buckthorn, elderberry, huckleberry and brush cherry bushes are not only decorative landscaping choices, they also yield delicious fruits. Herbal bushes, such as rosemary or lemon balm, provide beauty, fragrance and a fresh herb source. And kale and cabbages can form attractive ground cover, as well as make for excellent winter salads.

    Privacy-Enhancing Shrubs

    • Arborvitae shrubs do well in cooler climates and are favored because they can grow quite tall, creating "privacy screens" that shield homes from view. Arborvitae shrubs prefer plenty of water and look appealing when planted in rows. Cypress shrubs grow quickly, making them an excellent choice when you want privacy in a hurry. Cypress shrubs require little maintenance and will grow quite tall. They do well in moderate climates. Bamboo grows in a variety of climates and conditions and is very heat-tolerant. Bamboo is a favorite for creating privacy screens, as it grows close together.