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Common Florida Panhandle Residential Hedges

The hot and humid climate of the Florida panhandle makes that location ideal for a variety of plants. Some residents in the area choose to grow shrubs as hedges, maintaining shade and privacy on their property. With proper plant selection, care and pruning, these hedges can turn ordinary landscape designs into colorful expressions.
  1. Gardenias

    • Gardenias are evergreen shrubs that can grow up to 15 feet high, making them ideal as privacy hedges around homes. The plant has deep green leaves, and flowers vary in color from white to yellow to deep purple. The plant also puts off a strong, sweet scent.

      Gardenias grow in a variety of soil types and temperature ranges, but the mild and humid climate makes the Florida panhandle an ideal location for these hedges. Gardenia growers can prune these plants just after blooming to keep them shaped to the appropriate hedge design. Even heavy pruning will not damage gardenias, as long as the pruning is done at the right time of year. Gardenias must be allowed to grow at least one to four inches before the weather starts to get cool in October, so prune the plants in early- to mid-August.


    • The camellia shrub arrived in the United States from Asia in 1786, and since then has thrived across the southern part of the country, including the Florida panhandle.

      Camellias are also evergreen shrubs; these plants flower in the winter, creating a colorful landscape in the sometimes monotonous winter months. The flowers range in color from white to pink to crimson.

      Camellias grow slowly, making them ideal for shaping into residential hedges. Growers need to pay close attention to the watering of these hedges. Camellias need their soil to be moist to 18 inches deep at all times, and the hot climate in the panhandle region can sometimes make it difficult to maintain this moisture level. Water the shrubs every 10 days to achieve this ideal moisture level.


    • The copperleaf plant can also successfully grow as a residential shrub in the Florida panhandle region.

      This shrub can grow up to 12 feet tall and produces purplish-red or pink flowers. The copperleaf has a large and shabby-looking spread which can sometimes overwhelm its surroundings, so keep it well pruned or use it in a place where it can truly shine.