Home Garden

DIY Nevada Landscaping Shrubs

Planting shrubs in your Nevada yard can be a very rewarding experience. It adds to the curb appeal of the home and gives you a sense of accomplishment. There are a few things to know before planting a shrub in Nevada due to the state's particular soil type. With the proper knowledge and a few tools, you can be a planting pro in your own yard.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Tiller
  • Organic material, such as compost
  • Fertilizer
  • Mulch
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  1. Till the Planting Site

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      Thoroughly till the soil in two separate directions to promote irrigation. Till the soil to a depth of around 18 to 24 inches. This deep tilling can also improve the air flow around the new shrub's root base.

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      Mix organic matter into the soil as you are tilling the site. Do not just mix the organic matter right at the planting sight, but use it in the area all around the planting site. This will give the roots plenty of nutritious soil to extend into.

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      Dig a hole deep enough for the entire root system and lightly tamp the soil at the bottom of the hole. This creates a solid base for the plant to rest on and keeps the plant from sinking into the soil. There are a variety of shrubs that thrive in the Nevada area. These species include but are not limited to Big Sage, Bitter Sage, multiple species of Viburnum, multiple species of lilac, and Alpine Carpet Juniper.

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      Lightly water the hole as you refill it with soil. This will allow the soil to settle into the hole. Add a slow release nitrogen product or other solid fertilizer while filling the hole, following the manufacturer's instructions. Once the hole has been filled, place the mulch around the base of the shrub and in the area above the root system. The mulch will help keep the soil moist and suitable for root growth.