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Viburnum Opulus Pests

European cranberrybush (Viburnum opulus) is better known as the guelder rose in its native Europe. Grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zones 3b through 8a, gardeners prize its white flowers and blood red berries for ornamentation.
  1. Types

    • Generally speaking, European cranberrybush faces few garden pests, although both viburnum clearwing and lesser viburnum borers, and viburnum beetle prove problematic according to Michael Dirr, author of "Viburnums." Tender young growth often is lined with aphids. Deer tend to browse on this shrub's branches.

    Time Frame

    • Insect pests concentrate infestations during the growing season, especially from mid-spring to early fall. Deer may strip entire plants (small branches and fruits) most heavily in fall and early winter, but also into early spring if other foodstuffs are scarce.


    • Aphid infestations are lowest in plants growing in full sun and in moist, fertile soils. Healthy shrubs resist infestation by borers, and appropriate pesticides do kill the borers and larvae. Physical fence barriers prevent deer damage.