Home Garden

Deer Resistant Privacy Fence Hedges

To hide undesirable views, a privacy screen hedge should be densely leaved down to ground level. Browsing deer can damage vulnerable foliage up to 4 feet high, reducing a tempting shrub's screening ability. Limit temptation with shrubs that deer rarely damage.
  1. Traditional Hedges

    • Boxwood and privet are widely used hedge plants. Both are evergreen and densely branched from top to bottom. Boxwood and privet can be sheared into formal shapes or allowed to grow naturally.

    Privacy and Security

    • Combine privacy with security using barberry and holly. Like boxwood and privet, both plants are densely branched and evergreen, but these plants have intruder-deterring thorns. Barberry and holly both produce red berries that are enjoyed by birds.

    Flowering Hedge

    • Rose of Sharon is not evergreen, but it flowers profusely in late summer and tolerates urban conditions. Plants can be placed 3 to 6 feet apart to create a dense but deciduous screen. Allowed to grow naturally, rose of Sharon grows to a height of 12 feet and 10 feet wide but plants can be heavily sheared to reduce height.