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How to Use Boxwoods in a Cottage Garden

The boxwood is a classic bush that has been used in European and American gardens for hundreds of years in both formal and informal landscaping. Boxwoods prefer full sun and well-drained soil. Although the boxwood is versatile, it should be kept away from downspouts and other wet areas to keep the roots from rotting. More than 160 types of boxwood are available, from the hardy "Green Mountain" variety to the small, compact dwarf or English boxwood with rounded tufts considered to be cloudlike in appearance.


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      Create a border. Use your boxwood bushes to create a border around your yard or around a certain area of your yard. This will help you create the small, cottagy feel you are looking for.

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      Create a room. Use your boxwood as a wall or two in a room you create outside. Boxwood bushes are perfect for surrounding a patio or other outside area.

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      Plant a pattern. Since boxwood bushes prune well, use them to create patterns along walkways or on their own in a yard. A diamond pattern, for example, can be created with the boxwoods and then other plants can be planted in the boxes or pathways created.

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      Use the boxwoods to delineate a pathway. Boxwoods look regal lining a path to a garden area or even the front door.

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      Plant boxwoods as a backdrop for more colorful shrubs and plants. Planting taller boxwoods along a house wall or in a garden space will cover up unsightly areas.